Comic Book Value Packs. Key Comics & First Appearances. Good Girl Art Comics. Superman #100 FR/GD 1.5 1955. 4 Cumulative spine split. Cover detached at one staple. This is a low grade item. The story will be complete and readable, but the item itself will have low eye appeal and will display major damage. Allowed defects for this grade include: non-story elements such as coupons, ad pages, or Marvel Value Stamps cut or torn out of the book; spine split of up to 2/3 the length of the book; a missing back cover provided the front cover is still attached; severe water damage, residue, mold, or paper deterioration due to oxidation; vertical book-length crease; detached cover or centerfold; writing or other marks on the cover; major tears; discoloration, staining, or brittleness. Win Mortimer cover shows covers to issues 1, 25, 50, and 75. The Toy Superman Contest starring Superman and Red Anson, script by Bill Woolfolk, pencils by Wayne Boring, inks by Stan Kaye. Little Pete humor page by Henry Boltinoff. Superman–Substitute Teacher, art by Al Plastino; Superman accidentally gets called upon to be a substitute teacher in order to protect his secret identity. Shorty humor page by Henry Boltinoff. The Clue From Krypton starring Superman, Jor-El, Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Floyd Fowler, and Lois Lane, script by Bill Finger, pencils by Wayne Boring, inks by Stan Kaye. 36 Pages, Full Color. We take pride in our accurate, consistent grading. You can be confident in receiving a well-graded comic when ordering from us. We understand that condition is important to collectors. We opened our first comic retail store in 1977 and operated a chain of eight comic book stores in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s before going online-only. Check out our website for more info. & Lone Star Comics.